Discover Stories

A Culture of Excellence
AirSprint was officially born in the spare bedroom of Founder Judson Macor’s home, in partnership with his friend Phil Dewsnap. Judson and Phil met at the University…

The Ultimate Rum Run
A four-day rum running trip might seem lush to some, but as writer Jennifer Hubbert discovers, if you want these exclusive rums, you’ve got to go get…

Experience Québec
Whether for a weekend away or a long holiday, AirSprint ownership gives you more time with your family, less time in traffic. More time doing what you…

Oceanic Sprinter
The North Atlantic is notoriously harsh. In the age of sail crossing, the North Atlantic took six precarious weeks at best, and at worst, two to three…

Legacy 450: Business & Pleasure Travel From Ontario
Whether you love aviation, have family around the world, travel extensively for work or want to bring people to you, AirSprint’s model of Fractional Ownership means increased flexibility for…

Exploring Eastern Canada in Your Private Jet
Québec City’s cobbled streets are home to welcoming people and French-Canadian culture that makes travelling there well worth it. The Old City is ripe with history and…

A Celebration of Women in Aviation
One of AirSprint’s key tenants is to be a good corporate citizen. To give back to the communities we live in while also fostering relationships through respect…

Uncommon Denominator: AirSprint Introduced Fractional Aircraft Ownership to Canada...
AirSprint introduced Fractional Aircraft Ownership to Canada 18 years ago. Now, it’s a North American leader. AirSprint founder Judson Macor met Phil Dewsnap when they were law…

Canadian Businessman Brett Wilson Discusses the Benefits of Fractional Ownership
Calgary entrepreneur and philanthropist Brett Wilson knows the value of time, and given his hectic schedule, fractional ownership of a private jet serves him well. “To me, the…